Transaction services

We provide you with the insights required to ensure you maximise the return on your transaction.
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Buy side due diligence

Any deal requires insight in the quality of the underlying investment case. Our services will provide you with this insight by reviewing the quality of earnings, main value drivers, working capital, cash flow and net assets.

Based on our analysis, you will gain clear insight into historical performance as well as the feasibility of the financial projections of the target.

Our reports are ‘fact-based’ and will clearly identify areas where you van add value. These areas may include deal considerations that can influence price and negotiations or clear starting points that allow you capture value from the post-merger integration and/or deal execution.

Our hands-on approach supports you by translating due diligence findings to the SPA. We will present a clear overview of our recommendations on elements to be addressed in the deal as well as key items related to value creation after the transaction.

Vendor Assistance and Vendor due diligence

When you plan to sell (part of) your business, communicating value potential to bidders is extremely important. Our vendor assistance services allow you build a head start in the transaction process.

We will work alongside your team to draft a due diligence report for your company. This allows you to address any potential deal considerations beforehand. Thereby, you can address these issues and develop a strong narrative in the transaction process.

As an added benefit, our vendor report addresses potential due diligence questions in advance, allowing you to manage the workload for your team as you don’t have to deal with due diligence questions from multiple bidders.

Our services aim to help you communicating a strong value potential narrative to bidders and free-up time that allows us to manage the transaction process more effectively.

Business review

Before providing financing to your business, financial institutions or other stakeholders require clear insight into the operating performance, strength of the balance sheet and cashflow capacity of your business.

Our services help you to provide a clear insight into the (future) performance of your company. Our extensive experience allows us to compare your performance to the expectations of the financing institution and address financing issues if required.

Our services include developing a financial model and financing report for your business. Our financial model will help you  and to provide insight into the quality of future cash flows as well as substantiating the debt service capacity.

Transaction services
We provide you with the insights required to ensure you maximise the return on your transaction.
Get in touch with us