Help students to be career ready

Case-Based Learning that equips your students with the skills to hit the ground running in their career
Trusted by leading higher education institutions
in NL

Why case based learning?

Real world application

We use real-world situations and case studies to help students understand the relevance of theoretical knowledge and apply theoretical concepts in practice, ultimately preparing them for their future careers.

Promote critical thinking

We encourage students to analyze, evaluate, and create solutions for complex problems, helping them to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for their future roles.

Bridges theory and practice

We bridge the gap between theory and practice and provide an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. As a result, students achieve a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Active and engaging

We actively encourage students to participate in their learning process rather than passively receive information. This is more engaging and motivating than traditional lecture-based teaching methods.

Case-Based Learning by Kepsfield Academy

Guided cases in the field of finance and investments

A case study is the central point of the course, supported by micro learning goals with theory, videos and adaptive quizzes.

Created by industry experts with extensive experience

Case studies are created by industry experts based on a wealth of experience in the field of finance, accounting, M&A and investment banking.

Full of resources models, presentations and checklists

A case study consists of multiple deliverables, such as models, presentations and checklists, guiding students and boosting their productivity.
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