mirror with a girl

On a dermatology company for a private equity company

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Kepsfield has a broadth experience of providing financial due diligence services. With our diversified experience, we have been entrusted by a prominent private equity company to perform a financial due diligence on a potential portfolio company specializing in dermatology services.

Our impact

Kepsfield’s rigorous financial due diligence enabled the private equity firm to make an informed investment decision and address key deal issues in the transaction documentation.

Our insights not only highlighted the financial strengths, weaknesses and potential risks related to the envisioned acquisition of the target company but also illuminated the potential strategic advantages of the add-on. As a result, the private equity firm was equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the value proposition, ensuring that the acquisition would yield desired synergistic benefits and enhance the overall portfolio value.

Transaction services

We provide you with the insights required to ensure you maximise the return on your transaction.