medical staff

Vendor assistance for a medical supplies wholesaler

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In the intricate landscape of medical supplies wholesaling, every transaction is a pivotal moment in a company’s narrative. Tasked with a unique responsibility, we stepped in to support both the company’s founding shareholder, who was making a decisive move to sell his remaining shares as well as the second largest shareholder, a private equity investor. Our role encompassed the precise preparation of transaction financials and extending our expertise during the due diligence process.

Our impact

Our in-depth involvement in the financial preparation and due diligence support ensured accuracy, transparency, and clarity throughout the transaction. Our expertise and keen insights played a critical role in identifying areas for deal term adjustments, ultimately leading to a more favorable outcome than what was originally proposed in the non-binding offer. By streamlining the transaction process and addressing potential pitfalls proactively, we empowered our clients to negotiate from a position of strength, achieving optimal terms for the deal.

Transaction services

We provide you with the insights required to ensure you maximise the return on your transaction.