Data & Analytics

We help you to improve forward-looking decision making by optimising your data and analytics capabilities.
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Fix the basics: data

The most undervalued but by far the most important component of your data & analytics strategy is creating a rich, well structured and trustworthy data foundation. This is typically where most companies try to cut corners and focus on analysis and reporting first.

Our approach starts with designing the data framework that can support analysis and strategic decision making required in your company.

Our services include:

  • Data strategy development
  • Data model design
  • Data infrastructure optimisation
  • Data governance and process design
  • Creating a data focussed culture

Business planning

We can help to leverage your data foundation to implement integrated business planning in your organisation.

Powered by our strong background in business analysis and strategic financial decision making, we support you to design an integrated forward-looking model that combines strategic, tactical and operational insights.

Our approach is hands-on, besides helping you to design the model, we can assist you in selecting and implanting a ‘fit-for-purpose’ planning tool as well as design the processes to support integrated business planning in your organisation.

Our services include:

  • Planning tooling selection and implementation
  • Business model design
  • Organisation- and planning processes design
  • Cost & Profitability management

Reporting & Analytics

We help you to capture the full benefits of your data foundation by building reporting and analytical insights that help you to focus on what matters most.

Our expertise helps us to design a reporting and analytics framework which is aligned to your strategic goals and creates the insights to dramatically improve your decision making.

We will help you to get the most out of the latest business intelligence tools including to create interactive multi-level dashboards and driver-based reporting.

Our services include:

  • BI tooling selection and implementation
  • Dashboard design and implementation
  • Driver based reporting
Data & Analytics
We help you to improve forward-looking decision making by optimising your data and analytics capabilities.
Get in touch with us