Course Contents

This course provides a detailed exploration into the critical intricacies of determining an organization’s cost of capital. Tailored for students aiming for a comprehensive grasp on finance, it seamlessly blends essential theoretical knowledge with practical applications, ensuring a clear understanding of the pivotal roles played by debt, equity, and the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).

After studying this course, you will be equipped with the nuanced understanding of the cost of capital required in the world of investment banking and finance. They will be primed to address real-world challenges with analytical rigor.

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Get access to Kepsfield Academy's unique adaptive learning environment with comprehensive theory, videos and adaptive quizzes on 5 different levels.
Get guided through the process of creating a weighted average cost of capital model, learn where to find relevant inputs and calculate sensitivities.
Get access to the Kepsfield Academy resource hub with multiple excel cost of capital models, reporting templates and excel templates for visualization.

Lessons Overview

In this course you will learn the basic concepts of calculating the Weighted Average Cost of Capital.

The course consists of the following subjects.

Lesson 1: Course Outline & Introducing the Case Study
Lesson 2: Introduction to Corporate Finance
Lesson3: Understanding Capital Structure
Lesson 4: Introduction to Cost of Capital
Lesson 5: Cost of Debt
Lesson 6: Cost of Equity
Lesson 7: Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Lesson 8: Role of WACC in Capital Budgeting
Lesson 9: Determining the WACC via Comparable Companies
Lesson 10: Impact of Changing Business Environment on WACC
Lesson 11: Global Perspective on WACC