Privacy Policy

Who is Kepsfield?

Thank you for your trust in us. We aim to aim to make a meaningful impact in the lives of our students and we therefor see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy. In this statement we indicate what information we collect when you use our website, why we collect this information and how we use it to improve your user experience. This way you understand exactly how we work.

Kepsfield is responsible for the processing of your personal data. We respect the privacy of all users of our site and ensure that the personal information you provide is treated confidentially. We adhere to the rules set by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This privacy policy applies to Kepsfield Academy’s products and services. You should be aware that Kepsfield is not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites and sources. By using this website you indicate that you accept the privacy policy

Kepsfield B.V. is located in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Kepsfield, together with the following operating companies (together hereinafter: Kepsfield), is responsible for the processing of personal data:

Kepsfield B.V

Kepsfield Academy B.V.

Kepsfield Investments B.V.

Our contact information:

Kruiskade 480

3012CC Rotterdam


Chamber of Commerce: 77093240

Our Social Media Channels:

Facebook: Kepsfield Academy

Linkedin: Kepsfield Academy

Youtube: Kepsfield Academy

From which persons does Kepsfield process data?

We process personal data of people with whom we have a direct or indirect relationship. We also process personal data of persons with whom we want to have or have had a relationship. These are, for example, personal data of:

  • Students who are going to follow, are currently taking or have taken a course;
  • Contacts and representatives of our corporate customers;
  • People who show interest in our services and products;
  • Staff;
  • Applicants; and
  • Suppliers (such as freelance teachers and others).

Please note: If your company or organization passes on personal data of employees to us, your company is required to inform you about this.

For what purposes does Kepsfield process personal data?

We process your personal data for various purposes. These can be the purposes below. Each of these purposes is linked to a legal basis in accordance with Article 6 of the GDPR. Further on in this privacy policy we have explained in more detail which data we process for what purpose.

For entering into and executing agreements with you/our clients and suppliers.

We naturally want to serve our (potential) customers well. For example, with your personal data we can:

  • Contact you, answer questions, inform you and maintain our relationship;
  • Place your data in our administration and process any changes;
  • Give you access to our (online) training application and materials; and
  • Provide feedback on your study progress and results to you and/or our client.

Processing this data has a lawful basis: the data processing is necessary for the performance of an agreement (Article 6, GDPR).

For the improvement of our products and services

By combining and analyzing data, Kepsfield provides a personal, safe and continuously improving service. The analyses sometimes also contains personal data. With the result of these analyses, we ensure, for example, that:

  • We identify the cause of complaints and prevent them in the future; and
  • Our application continues to run optimally and continues to improve.

Processing this data has a legitimate basis: the data processing is necessary for the purposes of a legitimate interest (Article 6, GDPR).

For promotional and marketing purposes

We use your personal data for promotional and marketing purposes. For example, we can:

  • Send newsletters, advice, brochures, white papers at your request.
  • Send information about our activities, education, training and exam products and related services at your request.
  • See which courses and exams you have followed with us and which you have not yet taken.
  • Look at your use of our website and linking this to the information known to us in order to improve our services and to show relevant advertisements to you.

Processing this data has a legitimate basis: the data processing is necessary for the purposes of a legitimate interest (Article 6, GDPR).

To comply with laws and regulations

We also use your personal data to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to Kepsfield.

Processing this data has a lawful basis: the data processing is necessary for the performance of an agreement (Article 6, GDPR).

For recruitment and selection

We process your data when you apply for a job with us. We adhere to the legal guidelines for the storage of your CV and ultimately your possible personnel file.

Processing this data has a legitimate basis: the data processing is necessary for the purposes of a legitimate interest (Article 6, GDPR).

We do not collect nor use information for purposes other than the purposes described in this privacy policy unless we have obtained your unambiguous consent in advance.

Which personal data are processed and for what purpose?

Information about who you are

We process personal data that we receive from you. This concerns, for example, data that we receive when registering for a course, requesting our brochure or registering for our newsletter. This may include your name, telephone number and e-mail address. What do we use that data for?

  • To sign up if you want to do an education, training or exam with us.
  • To get in touch with you and, for example, to send you the confirmation email or exam results.
  • To create your Kepsfield account and provide you with login codes for the application (and study material).

You can manage and change your data yourself in the profile section of the Kepsfield application.

Your payment details or those of your employer

This includes the name, e-mail address and account number of the person liable to pay for a course. We need this information to send the digital invoice to the correct address.

Your study progress and results

This relates to data that shows the progress of your (online) studies, which chapters you have completed or what your average grade is for your subjects. But also whether you passed your subject, in how many attempts and with what grade.

We use this information to give you insight into your study progress in the Kepsfield application. For example, you can how you perform (score) on a subject or course and/or how many attempts of a practice exam you have made.

We can share your study results with your employer or school. Of course we only do this if your employer or school is our client.

Your contact history

This concerns data resulting from contacts you have had with us or the contact we had with you. If you have called, for example, a note can be made in our system about the subject. We can also see which communication we have sent to you or a conversation report can be made.

Your website usage

This relates to “cookies” (text files that are placed on your computer), the device you use to log in and information about your visit to our site, when you visited which pages and when you logged in to Kepsfield application. A few examples are:

  • Remembering your preferences and to be able to display information that suits you or that may interest you.
  • If we have placed cookies, we can see, for example, whether you have opened one of our newsletters. You will also receive advertisements from us on websites of other companies.

We also analyze the data to ensure that our systems function optimally. For example, we monitor how busy it is in our application. We see with which device and operating system you visit our website, so we can better tailor the pages to the way that suits the device and we can complete your orders properly.

If you only want necessary cookies, you can adjust this yourself in your browser.

Your feedback

The data that you enter on our evaluation forms or that you leave via the application. Also think of feedback or comments you leave on social media.

We use your feedback to improve our services and content. So we can share your feedback internally to improve ourselves.

How long does Kepsfield store your data?

We keep your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes indicated above. In practice, this means that we keep your data for at least 6 years as long as you are an active customer with us. We see you as an active customer if you have placed an order within 6 years, you have a Kepsfield Academy account and/or are subscribed to our newsletters.

In case you are not an active customer we will then store your personal data for two years. After two years, we will anonymize your data so that it can no longer be traced back to you. We then use that data for archiving and analysis purposes.

Certain personal data has a legal retention period that we adhere to, regardless of the above. The length of the legal term differs. We must store payment data – like any company – for 7 years in accordance with the fiscal retention obligation, but we must delete applicants’ resumes within 4 weeks after completion of the application procedure.

How does Kepsfield deal with cookies?

We aim to provide you with the best possible service. To do this, our website uses “cookies” (text files that are placed on your computer). Cookies help us analyze the website. We use this information to keep track of how you use the website.

How does Kepsfield handle my personal data?

We provide good security and we do everything we can to optimally protect your personal data against unauthorized use. We do this through various administrative, organizational and technical measures. For example: your personal data will only be used by employees who need it for their job. Of course we also pay a lot of attention to the security of our systems. We ensure that others (where applicable) also handle your data with care We sometimes engage third parties who process personal data on our behalf. Think, for example, of our IT suppliers, freelance teachers. Of course, we only provide personal data to third parties if this fits the purpose for which we have processed your personal data. If data is provided to data processors who provide services or carry out assignments on behalf of Kepsfield, we have agreed with them that they also optimally protect the personal data. They also treat your data confidentially. Of course we do not sell or rent your personal data. We can also make your personal data available to our accreditation organizations.

Is there supervision of the processing of personal data?

Yes, there is supervision of how we process personal data. The Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) checks whether we comply with the General Data Processing Regulation. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) monitors how we deal with the Telecommunications Act; so the cookies, direct marketing via electronic mail and the do-not-call register.

With whom does Kepsfield share my personal data?

We only share data with others if we are obliged to do so or if there is another good reason. For the implementation of the agreement and the actual provision of your education, training or exam, we must, for example, provide your data to the teacher.

Below you can see with whom we can share your personal data:

Service providers who work on behalf of Kepsfield

We engage with other service providers to keep our services optimal. When we share data with them, we only share what is necessary for the assignment. We also record agreements about the handling of personal data in contracts with them. For example, these service providers perform the following activities:

  • They design, maintain and improve our IT systems and our online learning environment Mijn Kepsfield.
  • They support us in organizing events, sending e-mailings and post and making study and communication materials such as videos and brochures.
  • They conduct customer research such as online surveys for students and corporate clients.
  • They help us place (online) advertisements on websites and social media, outside the Kepsfield media.

Companies we work with

We sometimes work together with other companies to make you a nice offer. Would you accept such an offer? Then you give your details to our partner. In the privacy policy of the relevant organization you can read how they handle your personal data.

With your employer or school

We may provide your education, training or exam on behalf of your employer or school. In that case, your employer is our client and we make agreements about the implementation and feedback of the results. An employer or school will also use our dashboards which give insight into your study progress, as you can also see in the application. They can then use this for coaching purposes.

With other companies or individuals when you ask us to

If you wish, we will pass on your data to other companies. Consider, for example, the possibility of being approached for a career opportunity. In such a case, you always give permission to share your data.

Authorities from a legal order

In addition, we are entitled – if there is an obligation to do so on the basis of laws and regulations or a court order – to cooperate in making personal data available at the request of investigative authorities or other government agencies. With the exception of situations in which this is expressly not permitted, we will of course inform the client and/or student immediately.

View or change your data

If you want to know which personal data we have recorded about you, you can use your ‘Right of access’. (Article 15, GDPR). You may also of course withdraw previously granted permission at any time (Article 17, GDPR). You can manage and adjust much of your data yourself in you’re the profile section of the Kepsfield application.

Do you have a question about personal data that you cannot manage yourself? Or do you not have a My Kepsfield account? Send your question by e-mail to

Restrict the processing of your data

In certain situations you can exercise your ‘right to restriction’ (article 18 GDPR). We will then temporarily not process your data. You can request this from us, for example, if your data is incorrect, the processing is unlawful, the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which you provided it or if you object but are still waiting for a response from us. Do you want to (temporarily) limit the processing of your data? Send a request to

Delete your data

If you want to delete all your data, you can cancel your account in you’re the Kepsfield application.  At your request, we will then remove the relevant personal data as soon as possible and remove you from all mailing lists. This unless (and insofar as required by law) we must keep the relevant personal data or there are (other) urgent reasons that oppose deletion.

Please note: you hereby waive the right to data portability; after all, we can no longer reproduce your data after deletion.

Set your newsletter preference

You can easily manage your preference for receiving newsletters or other offers yourself.  There is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every mailing with which you can immediately unsubscribe.

Where can I go with questions about privacy?

You can contact us via the postal address or by e-mail at if you have any questions about the privacy policy.

Where can I object or submit a complaint?

You have the option to object to your data processing. You can do this when using your data for commercial purposes and in special personal circumstances (Article 21 GDPR). Objections or complaints can be submitted to and will be handled in accordance with our complaints procedure on our website.


This privacy policy is tailored to the use of and the possibilities on this site. Any adjustments and/or changes to this site may lead to changes in the privacy policy. It is therefore advisable to regularly consult this privacy policy. This privacy policy was last modified on March 1, 2023.

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